In 2020 we will launch an after-school enrichment program for B’nei Menashe elementary and high-school students. Its aim will be to assist these youngsters with their schoolwork; to broaden their horizons and their awareness of the possibilities offered them by Israeli life and society; to heighten their confidence in their ability to succeed and take advantage of these possibilities; and to further a knowledge and appreciation of their own B’nei Menashe history and heritage.
The first locality selected for a pilot program is the town of Kiryat Arba, on the outskirts of the city of Hebron in the Judean hills. We have chosen it both because of the size of its B’nei Menashe community, whose population of 1,000 makes it the largest in Israel, and because of the interest shown by the Kiryat Arba municipality in participating. If this pilot proves successful, we will seek to expand it to other municipalities in Israel.