A Blessing For Sderot’s B’nei Menashe

(January 10, 2024) Operation Blessing International Relief, a staunchly pro-Israel Christian organization, reached out to the Bnei Menashe of Sderot this week when it delivered to them . 7 platforms of clothing, shoes, food, infant formula, and various hygienic products such as diapers and wipes. The delivery was part of an overall program of assistance to the people of Israel in their time of war.
Operation Blessing, whose senior representative Gigi Endaya is now visiting Israel, was alerted to the needs of Sderot’s B’nei Menashe by Dayan Moses, a business executive and Bombay-born member of the country’s Bene Israel community. According to Rabbi David Lhungdim, spiritual leader of the Sderot community, about half of the city’s 120 B’nei Menashe families have returned to their homes after lengthy stays at government-sponsored hotels following their evacuation from the city in the wake of the events of October 7.
